Movie Town is a collaboration between China’s premium leisure and lifestyle conglomerate Mission Hills Group, acclaimed film director Feng Xiaogang, and the country’s leading film production studio, Huayi Brothers Media Corporation. The first of its kind in China, it integrates the beauty of architecture, film and retail into a unique tourist destination.
Located at Mission Hills Haikou, the movie town features architectures inspired by settings from Director Feng’s most popular movies, such as “Back To 1942”, “Tangshan Earthquake” and “If You Are the One”. It aims to build an all-inclusive entertainment and commercial tourism district, showcasing how China’s landscape has evolved over the past century.
The attractions in the Movie Town include key districts - “1942 Street”, “Nanyang Street” and “Traditional Beijing Street”; Church and Square, Park View Areas (where one can enjoy settings from Feng’s popular movies), the Avenue of Stars, and the world’s largest Movie Studio covering 8000square meters providing complementary services.